Clinics & Hospitals

Learn About Our Value Proposition For Healthcare Providers

Quality of care

You will be able to increase the quality of medical services by using our evolving platform.

Applying measurement methods and statistic analysis embedded in your processes is just a necessary first step. Accession to the next level of quality of care starts with the measurement of medical outcomes. This will enable the real advancement in health value delivered to your patients. 

Improving patient outcomes and reducing recovery times will become usual measurements of the quality of care. These will lead to healthier population and will finally save lives.

Operational Excellency

Either with deep specialisation, either as multi-services provider you will have the tools for optimising the operations in all the areas you’ve set ambitious goals or when facing unpredictable situations, like the current pandemic. 
Basic activities like patient funnel management or accurate triage can make the difference between failure and smooth operations. Together with asset usage optimisation will make your financial goals achievable.
Measuring results and implementing fast correcting actions are the key of ongoing improvement. Reporting burden will be turned in a useful tool for you and the authorities.

Tailor-Made Solutions

The future of medical services

Closing the gap between need and demand on the one hand and resources on the other requires new approaches. Value based healthcare is gaining traction in the industry.
Moreover, the challenges we are facing these days are forcing a change of paradigm, are pushing for innovations inside and everything around the healthcare industry. Medical systems during pandemic times are not operating “business as usual”. The legacy medical systems (HIS – Hospital Information Systems, EHR – Electronic Health Records, Appointment Systems, etc.) were not designed and built to cope with the chaos generated by the pandemic and succumb when faced with such pressure.
Here we propose a new approach.

Tailor-Made Solutions

Patient long term relationship

Increasing loyalty of your patients is a two way street, but the most important responsibility belongs to the medical services provider, based on successful medical results, fairness and appropriate behaviour.
Providing the right medical service, at the right moment, at the right quality will open the door for a long term relationship with your patients, based on trust. The patients will stay with you as long as they believe their future on good hands.
Using the platform communication channels will enable the bond to grow stronger.

We Solve Real Problems

what can we do for you?

We integrate with the existing HER/SIS solutions end-to-end

ERP/HIS software is not replaced; Alter Medico connects and shares data with them

Empowering the forefront

Doctor consult digital window - with speech to text functionality, self-assembling consult form as well as a digital assistant

Administrator/doctor coordinator

Alerts, reports and management decision implementation

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